The project called “The Adventures of Out-of-Classroom Learning” has originated within the Erasmus+ Program, Key activities of two strategic partnerships for schools and preschool institutions, envisaged to last for 34 months – from September 1st 2019 to August 14th 2022. The project has been submitted by the preschool institution “Mastolend’’ from Novi Sad, together with elementary school “Dobje” from Dobje pri Planini (Republic of Slovenia), “Maslacak” kindergarten from Pula (Republic of Croatia), Preschool Institution “Vcielka” from Backi Petrovac (Republic of Serbia) and Gallery of Matica srpska from Novi Sad (Republic of Serbia), who are all strategic partners in the development of an innovative model of teaching children.
The goal of the project is to stimulate knowledge and skills in the work with children of preschool and lower school age, through an innovative approach which emphasizes play and outdoor learning, in natural environment, in cultural, scientific, sports and other authentic institutions.